Monday September 29th 2014
Tell me about your Homecoming weekend! If you didn't participate in the Homecoming festivities, what did you do? Share pics!

My weekend was alot more fun than I thought it would be. Friday night we went to the football game, Honestly, at first I was worried about it because a ton of my friends weren't going. But I ended up having a bunch of fun. One of my best friends was crowned queen, me and my friend Shelby went together to the game and it made me realize how much I love hanging out with her. Then Saturday I caught up on sleep, then because I didn't go to homecoming five of my really good guy friends took me to dinner, it was the most fun I have had on a homecoming night and the least amount of drama. Then last night I listened to jazz and did homework for the closing party at the old take five.

22nd September 2014
How was your weekend? Did you do anything exciting? Share photos!
This weekend I worked for the GSA's Third Annual Talent show. I did sound board. Honestly, it was the worst job I have ever done. But my crew was the best I have ever had. They were amazing. Each and everyone of them made me smile. The GSA kids were so incredibly nice and I really enjoyed working for them. GSA stands for gay straight alliance, they put this on to show to make the idea relevant.
19th September 2014
Now that you are several weeks in to this class and have coded one (super small) website, what do you think? What are your thoughts on web design? Is it what you thought it would be? Is it better? Worse? What's your favorite part? What's your least favorite part? Explain.
I am really enjoying Web Design, I think it is extremely fulfilling to code and see what you have achieved. I think that Blogger is an innovative way to learn new things. Even though I am not a giant fan of technology. I thought that this class was going to be boring and a throw away class. This class has showed me how to use my time wisely in class and I love coding.
17th September 2014
What is the importance of deadlines? How do high school deadlines reflect or simulate "real world" experience? Give an example of when you met or or didn't meet a deadline that was important.
This is due, That is due. Please be on time. All things you hear from a high school teacher, but in reality. It's important. What would happen if you need to go out of town and you book your flight late? Either you aren't getting on the flight or you are going to have to pay double the ticket. In the real world deadlines are NOT as flexible as they are in high school. In high school you get docked grades, in the real world you could loose thousands and thousands of dollars. In my life, I nanny. So my real world is an 9 year old boy they counts on me. If I am late to pick him up he will get mad and I could suffer the consequences.
16th September 2014
Reflect on this quote. Give an example of a time in your life that this might have been the case.
Image Via
School honestly pertains to this quote more then anything else. If you fail to prepare f
or a test or an essay you should be ready to fail for the test. What the quote does not say about preparing is that even if you prepare, but its to late, you still have preped yourself to fail. All though this stinks to hear, if you don't study it's your fault that you fail. However, on the other hand if you do all of your homework and listen in class that should also count as a preparation.
Image Via
School honestly pertains to this quote more then anything else. If you fail to prepare f
or a test or an essay you should be ready to fail for the test. What the quote does not say about preparing is that even if you prepare, but its to late, you still have preped yourself to fail. All though this stinks to hear, if you don't study it's your fault that you fail. However, on the other hand if you do all of your homework and listen in class that should also count as a preparation.
15th September 2014
What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them
This weekend was SUPER eventful in the life of Marisa. On Friday night I went to our first home football game with a couple of my friends and had a blast, we obviously won because that's what we do, then we went to IHOP and ad pancakes and drank coffee, which was possibly a bad idea because 95% of us took the ACT the next morning. After the ACT I went to the Renaissance Festival for the first time in my life with some of my friends and it was awesome. I ate so many different foods, pickles, chocolate covered cheesecake on a stick, and bites of a turkey leg. To conclude my Saturday, I went over to my friends Tanner's house and cooked for 20 people, My Sunday was not extremely eventful.

10th September 2014
[Above] is one of my favorite quotes that I found on Pinterest. Think read and think about what this says and then blog about it. What does this quote mean to you? Elaborate! Feel free to give an example of tell a story.
Being board is trivial. When I were a kid I had A CRAZYYYY imagination, I never said "I'm Bored" which is insane because we wold drive at least 8 hours monthly to go to Omaha, Nebraska to visit family. I never got bored because me and my dad had crazy imaginations and would make stories about the nothingness that is the planes of Kansas. He would say things like " Look Marisa that's bubble gum hill, the Fairy Princess lives there." That little girl did not know what the word 'Bored' was. There was infinite opportunities, now, I get bored all the time. When I am sitting in ,y boring Stat class or looking at the ceiling while I cant sleep. This quote just changed my point of view and I am happy I saw it.
9th September 2014
How do you express your creativity? Explain.
Creativity by's definition is "the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination" but to me, creativity is doing something that makes you happy using your imagination. I think I have a hard time using creativity in a stereotypical way. I love music, but I can't make music. Music can show any emotion and you can share it, and that is how I show creativity. I burn people Cd's with different music for each person.
8th September 2014
What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!
This weekend was not too eventful for me. On Friday, I hung out with my kid that I nanny. We went to land of paws first. Honestly it really made me mad because they said we couldn't hold dogs cause I wasn't 18. That didn't make since to me, because in my mind if a babysitter and a child walk in, you should let them hold whatever you want because children are more likely to get whatever they want. For instance, we went to Petland after that and a girl told us a story about a six year old that came into Petland with her babysitter, held a dog and then later came back with her dad and bought the dog. On Sunday I hung out with my friend and went to go get I hop and stole his hat and then basically spent the whole day hanging at Take Five, and church.
5th September 2014

I wonder what would happen if I tried to walk out the house in some of the stuff kids wear now a days. I am pretty sure that my parents would have started burying themselves in a very shallow grave. They dont understand respect in any since of the word, and have no idea how to treat other kids, let alone adults. I dont understand kids these days.
3 September 2014
In this class I have learned so many things. It has made me feel extremely capable with the computer, and has made me understand how websites work more then an average person. Honestly one of the things I really want to learn is how to size photos; its extremely frustrating when your coding and your pictures three times bigger then your information on the page. I would love also be able to make a website that looks professional. I know these things are simple, but I would have a giant sense of accomplishment.
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2nd September 2014
Tell me all about your Labor Day weekend. What did you do? Include photos!
This Labor Day weekend, I spent most of my time with my friend Andrea. We went to the soccer game on Friday after I worked, then we went back to her house and hung out with her mom. We had a movie marathon the next day and watched Silver Linings Playbook, and The Other Women. Then Saturday night I went to listen to jazz at Take Five with my friend Andrew, and we had a Dateline Marathon. On Sunday Andrea slept over at house and the next day we did homework all day. It was a very relaxing weekend; however I had five hours of homework on Sunday. Doing all this homework in a timely manner made me realize I really like all my classes from this year.
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